here you find yourself on my vintage records site. Since for years I'm collecting vintage records and I'm additionally buying collections to complete my own one (I'm especially collecting german dance music of the 20s to 40s, german and international cabaret and some rock'n'roll), I'm giving you the opportunity to complete your collections too by selling some of my records on a fixed price basis and by auctioning records about once a year to the highest bid.
In addition I'm willing to swap records for others of the same value.
When an auction already is finished and you step over a record that you want to buy, please ask me if it's still available. The auction list will only be updated when a new auction starts, not like the Sales list, which will be steadily updated.
Have fun while looking through the lists! You also may leave a message in the guestbook or leave your adress if you want the lists to be mailed to you.
Thomas Krispens
My adress
Thomas Krispens Georgenhäuserstr.6 64409 Messel Tel.06159/1547 |
eMail: |
Visitors: 060789